Thursday, March 1, 2018

Know the signs

Do you know the signs of depression? Most people think it is just being sad. It isn't sitting in a corner crying with a blanket eating chocolate ice cream. Maybe some days look that way, but depression is deeper than just an intense sadness. If you want to help others you have to know the signs. In my crusade to raise awareness for mental health in the US, specifically PTSD related issues, I had to educate myself. Anyone who has a passion to change or help a situation first has learn. How does it work? Where are the weak spots? How can I make a difference? I answered those questions with my blog.

I decided when I did the Teens of America radio show, that I would be an advocate. I would educate and raise awareness. So, do you know the signs someone is struggling with depression? Here are some common signs, we don't always think of, to tell if someone is struggling with depression:

1. Canceling Plans last minute. People with depression want to do normal, every day things. Sometimes the thought of leaving the house is too great to push through. They stay home and regret staying home.

2. Hiding on their phone. When someone has depression the easiest way to deal with it is to avoid it. Screen time and social media provide a great outlet to just not think. Hiding in social media has consequences. We are starting to see the more screen time a person gets the higher the chances of depression.

3. Keeping the house dark. Someone who is depressed feels invisible so being in a dark or darker room is comfortable. It feels more natural to be hidden when depressed. Home is a safe place for most depressed people. In a safe place it is easier to just not put on the show of being happy and outgoing.

4. Struggling to get out of bed. This one could describe most teenagers, but you would notice a difference. A lot of people who experience depression say they struggle with getting out of bed. I for one am a night owl and I hate mornings. So, therefore, getting up at 6:30am with my alarm isn't my favorite on any day.

5. Not talking much. When dealing with depression you live in your head. There isn't much to say after the over-analyzing and insecurity. When you have this dialogue raging in your brain, conversation doesn't come easy.

These are just a few of the signs to pay attention to. The best thing to tell someone going through depression is, "You are not alone". They may feel very lonely in a crowded room, but remind them you are there. Depression is a hard battle many face alone. Let's remove any judgment or pre-conceived notions and just support those that need it.

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