Sunday, June 4, 2017


My PTSD stems from a breech of trust multiple times by different people.  I don't trust easily and I don't trust but a few people completely.
Lately, I have been having nightmares. Usually I'm younger and going somewhere.  I keep trying to get to the airport and I forget everything.  I usually never make it on the plane.  Other dreams I'm driving and the highway just takes me in circles.  I never make it anywhere.  Always just spinning my wheels. 
I've recently started having nightmares that people I trust are abusing me, taking advantage of me and hurting me.  As a result my anxiety is high.  The worst part is people who would never hurt me have become suspect in part of my mind. 
I would rather be spinning my wheels.  I would rather miss my plane because I can't get past the obstacles. I would rather be on a highway that makes no sense than to have my ability to trust compromised. 
My brain just can't understand that it is safe right now.  My sub-conscious can't process that there isn't a threat.  I'm ok and not ok at the same time. 

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